Self-interest drives expansion plans

09 Aug 2006
SITTINGBOURNE people must read between the lines of the Kent Science Park proposals. The developers stress they are here to help alleviate the town's problems with traffic management and to assist town centre regeneration, with a vision to drag Sittingbourne into the 21st century.

They highlight the relevant issues that are of concern to residents. Unfortunately, they are wolves in sheep's clothing. They want to expand an industrial estate that isn't full. For this they require an A2/M2 link road to rip through the countryside to reach it. For a new motorway junction to be built, it has to go somewhere. The Highways Agency has only once allowed a new motorway junction to be built to a specific place. That was the Channel tunnel.

In May's local elections, I campaigned against KSP expansion and the link road and will continue to do so. The Tory leadership on the council is still very quiet and the local Conservative press spokesman supports the building of the road.

It is plain to see that this proposal is all about developers and landowners making money out of housing. The road is the means to the end. That end being 5,000 houses scarring our beautiful countryside. Fight it.

Adam Tolhurst,
Labour representative for
Woodstock Ward.
