Put jobs before building homes

02 Aug 2006
YOU ask "What do you think about the science park scheme?" So here, as a Rodmersham resident, is my answer.

The proposers of the scheme cannot place "all or nothing" conditions if they respect the local community and the planning authority. Whether or not we "cherry pick" is up to us, not up to them! Consultation means negotiation — not just yes or no, but re-shaping and refining until agreement is reached.

At the Wyvem Hall meeting there was clearly a suspicion that the proposals were rooted in the profitability of building 5,000 houses. The new road would make the housing estates more accessible and the science park more viable. There was no conclusive evidence for any demand for an extension to the science park or that it would really bring jobs to the area.

So let's ask whether Kent Science Park would consider the following sequence, each step dependent upon evidence of viability from the previous step: I Build link road from the M2 as far as the park; 2 Expand the park and let premises; 3 Build housing, if needed, for new employees as units are let; 4 Build infrastructure to support housing; 5 Extend the road to Bapchild, if needed; 6 Build remaining housing if needed.

A phased programme such as this would respond to community need and would ensure that job creation comes before providing homes for yet more commuters!

Richard Gifford,
