Not enough water for development

26 Jul 2006

MY LAWN should be lush green, my vegetables prize-winning specimens, my shrubs blooming, my paddling pool full, my cars cleaned and the cobwebs brushed off my hosepipe, but no. The water boards have said there's a drought and you can't use your hosepipe.

Kent Science Park says Swale has "ample water", enough for 5,000, 7,000, 9,000 houses (sorry, they couldn't be sure). So, who's telling lies?

Kent Science Park says it has "noted the Five Parishes Opposition Group's views" but stresses its idea of thousands of houses, a A2/M2 motorway link and 125-acre expansion of the science park is "a package" only, not for cherry-picking.

So what's the point of consultation meetings? Villagers and the majority of Swale want Kent Science Park to leave it. We want the countryside, NOT an artificial country park. And, like Kent Science Park, our package is non-negotiable, so leave it.

A farmer is the only guardian of God's land for future generations to enjoy, and the farmers at the public meeting who could become rich from this deal to destroy the countryside, should remember these words of one of their grandfathers, a well-respected Swale gentleman.

Lena Jordan.
Highsted Valley, Sittingbourne.
