I won't apologise for opposing link

04 Oct 2006
I SHOULD like the opportunity to reply to the local Conservative Party spokesman's letter (August 23), in which he requested an apology from the Labour Party for my letter opposing the proposed science park development. In my letter, I mentioned that he supported the building of an A2/M2 link road.

In his reply, he confirmed my observation that he supported the building of an A2/M2 link road.

Let me once again state my views: I am totally against the expansion of the science park outside of its boundary and the building of any houses associated with it. I am also vehemently opposed to an A2/M2 link road, whether it is part of the park
development, or any other. These are my views and I will not apologise to anyone for holding them.

Adam Tolhurst,
Labour, Woodstock Ward.
