He's a clear and Prezza danger

15 Jan 2005

I FEEL I must respond, once again, to inaccuracies in comments raised on your letters page. Gordon Henderson, as far as I can recall, has never called the Shell Research site the Kent Science Park.

This is a name that has been magicked into existence by the Government minister
responsible for concreting over Kent - John Prescott - whose own constituency is, of course, hundreds of miles away on Humberside. 

He also, as I remember, called for any future development of this site to be within the existing boundary. 

I am very unhappy about housing developments, or any other development come to that, being reliant on other issues and vice-versa.

Living in Milton Regis, I am not directly affected by the proposal, but it does seem to me wrong on every count.

The only views that should betaken into account are those of the neighbours and those directly affected and it really is about time Swale council started listening more. Swale is already too built-up. This development, should it happen, will be to the detriment of everyone.

For far too long, planners and those in national and local government have thought they know best. They don't.

Any planning application, no matter how large or small, must be based on what local people want and not what planners and their associates think is best. People are quite capable of making their own decisions.

Michael J Vick,
Eleanor Drive,
Milton Regis.
