The truth about the A2/M2 link road
Isn’t it funny to sit back and watch as Swale Councillors such as Andrew Bowles, Don Jordan and conservative spokesman Gordon Henderson operate in blind panic at the prospect of being seen as supporting the Kent Science Park.
Endless ramblings and newspaper column inches devoted to their recently reinvented stance on the park. Their concern that the nasty people at the Science Park are damaging the prospect of an A2/M2 link road by roping it into their plans is really very amusing indeed.
Perhaps they would care to take a look at their own strategy documents which clearly show that the proposed road is linked to the Science Park.
“The road would provide opportunities identified within the Borough Council Draft Economic Development Strategy by facilitating development around the Kent Science Park.”
Swale Transport Strategy
“It is crucial to the delivery of a step change in economic performance that access to Kent Science Park is improved, in a manner that enables a significant expansion of the site.”
Swale Economic Strategy