Swale Council leaders fixation with KSP

31 Jan 2007

Well finally Andrew Bowles has finally come clean and admitted his totally biased fixation with Kent Science Park in today’s East Kent Gazette.

He says that “he is adamant that only the Kent Science Park can offer the kind of jobs that will inspire wealthy workers to stay and spend in Swale”

And “If we are going to bring high-value, high-grade jobs to Swale then the Kent Science Park needs to be our focal point because it’s not going to happen any other way”

Not only is this a very narrow minded view point that overlooks the relevance and potential of all the other employers in Swale at the expense of the Kent Science Park which only employs around 1% of Swale’s workforce, its insulting because of the small number of people employed at the park only 15% of them are in one of these so called high-value jobs.

Quite simply the biggest employment opportunity on offer at the Kent Science Park is in a call centre. It’s been over three years since we started our campaign against the KSP development proposals and in that time the number of jobs has hardly changed in fact it quite likely to decrease to a three year low shortly.

The jobs do not exist now and unless the owners of the Science Park start to get serious and only allow relevant tenants on site then they never will.
