Comment now on expansion plans

17 Feb 2009

The park has recently submitted two planning applications, one for two single storey technology units and the other for a 4 hectare expansion outside of the security fence.

Both of these applications have previously been refused. The first by Swale Borough Council in January 2008 and the second by a Government Inspector during the Local Plan Inquiry.

If you feel that you will be effected by the Technology Units Application No SW/09/0093 you can either

Writing to

Mr Richard Allen
Planning Services
Swale House, East Street
Kent ME10 3HT

Or online

by visiting
enter SW/09/0093 in the application number box (Technology Units Application Only)
clicking on 'Comment on application' towards the top of the page.

Comments must be made by 23rd Fenruary 2009.

The Four Hectare Expansion should be available to comment on soon.
