Meeting with Swale Borough Council

29 Aug 2004
After four months of requests to meet with Swale Council, Andrew Bowles has finally agreed to sit down and discuss the local plan and in particular the reasoning behind their public support of the KSP expansion proposals, with the representatives of the 5 parishes on Tuesday 7th September.

Also to be present at the meeting will be Cllr Jordan, Cllr Lewin and Cllr Truelove as well as County Councillor Alex King.

Perhaps in light of the Kent Science Park providing an exhibition of their plans, the council can no longer hide behind the immortal lines of “Sorry we can’t discuss this as its not in the public domain” or “We are bound by a confidentiality agreement” neither of which ever held much water, especially since the submission of the KSP’s objections to the Kent & Medway Structure Plan placed their plans in the public domain as far back as November 2003.
