Wyatt launches boycott of Mars

19 Oct 2006
Derek Wyatt Mars Boycott
Support my Mars bar: Derek Wyatt MP wants people to keep these household names out of their shopping baskets.

A BOLD internet-led campaign urging people to boycott the products of one of the world's richest companies has been launched by Derek Wyatt.

The Labour MP for Sittingbourne and Sheppey is targeting Mars Incorporated – the producer of the Mars bar, Milky Way, Snickers and Twix – because of its links with Kent Science Park.

A public meeting on controversial expansion plans including 5,000 new homes, an A2/M2 link and an enlarged science park was due to take place last night (Tuesday).

Mr Wyatt, who was due to speak to the Prime Minister about his campaign on Monday, is convinced that park manager La Salle Investment Management is pursuing the ambitious plans on behalf of a Mars pension fund.

He wants people to stop buying Mars brands, which include household names such as Whiskas, Pedigree and Kitekat pet food and M&Ms, Maltesers, Galaxy and Topics.

Mr Wyatt said: "It's time to take some direct action. People should stop buying these products and replace them with alternatives and let's see what happens.

"We are writing to all the main super-markets to ask them to withdraw Mars products. It's time we got underneath La Salle and embarrass Mars, one of the most secretive companies in the world. I do not want them to think they can come in here and continue to think there's any public support for this.

"We have had hundreds of letters and emails saying `No thank you'."

Mr Wyatt plans to use the latest inter-net tools to spread his message to as
wide an audience as possible. As well as sending letters and emails to La Salle directors, Mr Wyatt said he would put video footage of himself on YouTube.com, explaining his campaign.

He also intends to open a Myspace account, an increasingly popular way of sharing ideas and communicating with people online. Mr Wyatt, an internet expert, said: "It's worth having a crack and seeing if the net can make this fly. I just cannot accept the housing. It will overwhelm us. And I'm not absolutely certain there's an economic case for a southern link road."

He likened his research into Mars, which has taken many months, to his investigation into the Coniston, when he unearthed plans to house asylum-seekers there. "I've done the forensics," he said. "It's time people were made aware of what's happening with Mars."

  • Mars Incorporated is owned by the Mars family and founded in 1911 by Frank Mars.
  • Its headquarters is in Virginia, USA.
  • Products include Uncle Ben's rice and Dolmio pasta sauce, as well as Bounty, Celebrations, Lockets, Tunes, Skittles and Starbursts.
  • Mars brands are manufactured at Slough (confectionary), Peterborough and Melton Mowbray (pet food), and King's Lynn (Dolmio and Uncle Ben's).
  • Mars is an 18 billion dollar business with factories in more than 65 countries.
