Science park offers a great opportunity

15 Jan 2005

FOLLOWING D Stuart's views (Letters, December 1), your readers are entitled to a more factual and less jaundiced precis of the opportunities afforded by the Kent Science Park at Woodstock and those being realised at Kings Hill Business Park.

Shell's withdrawal from Woodstock precipitated tremendous progress in creating new science-based employment opportunities at the site.

As a result, the companies based at Woodstock include world-class players such as Pfizer.

Between them these companies have created considerable employment, directly and indirectly.

Far from being merely a dormitory town, Kings Hill is now a thriving business park and residential community, regarded by many as an exemplar mixed use development.

Just over 100 companies are based at the site, directly employing more than 5,000 people.

Over the next 10 years or so a further 1.3 million sq ft of business space will be built at Kings Hill with a capacity of accommodating a further 700 jobs.

As the employment base of Kings Hill increases, the housing opportunities will also increase to ensure a proper, sustainable balance between the business and residential uses.

In short, the vision for Kings Hill is alive and well and is being achieved in a responsive and flexible manner.

The next few years will see a very large number of houses being developed in Kent as a result of the housing targets imposed on the county by Government planning policies.

The county council is determined that this growth in housing will be matched by increased job opportunities and that at the same time we will protect the essential character, environment and heritage of Kent.

Cllr Alex King
KCC cabinet member for
