Meeting fails to convince opponents

20 Oct 2006

RESIDENTS fighting the Kent Science Park plans remain unconvinced, despite the best efforts of developers to win them over.

Members of the Five Parishes Opposition Group joined other residents at Tuesday's public meeting to voice their concerns and urge people to sign its petition against the scheme.

It was the issue of the number of houses and the new road that has caused a hardening of opinion against the proposals.

Speaking after the meeting the man leading the plans, Andrew Bull said: "I think people are acknowledging that we need to expand, we need the houses and the road and the Science Park is a good thing, but it's the houses and the road that cause concern."

Sue Sills, from Tunstell, who is supporting the campaign against the scheme, dismissing the developers' arguments for the scheme as "weak".

She said: "I thought their case was very weak. There were a number of questions from the floor which were very pertinent but La Salle, in my opinion, failed to answer the questions at all.

"It is the whole issue of building this road and the issue of 5,000 houses across green-belt countryside.

"Neither of these was properly addressed."
