Libs Dems to march in protest at Science Park plans

01 Mar 2007

Several local Lib Dems will be joining the march organised by the Five Parishes Opposition Group in protest at the proposals for 4500 - 5000 new houses as part of the Kent Science Park expansion.

The march will commence at 10am on Saturday March 3rd at the Co-op in Sittingbourne High Street, and proceed through the Town Centre to present a petition signed by over 3000 people to the leader of the Swale Council Andrew Bowles.

Many local Liberal Democrats are opposed to the scheme, which would see a massive expansion in housing in the south of the town, a new link to the M2 motorway, and radically change the character of the communities affected.

Constituency Chairman Berick Tomes says, "Swale has already seen a significant amount of development recently, and yet virtually no facilities or infrastructure to sustain it. This development would contribute nothing to the wider community. Sittingbourne would have to bear the additional burden on already stretched local services, yet very few of the population of that development would work, shop or integrate into the local community."

Swale's local plan has already identified suitable locations for around 6000 new houses, mostly on brownfield sites. There are also new industrial developments in Eurolink phase 4, and to the north of Kemsley. This is in addition to the already built housing developments including those at The Meads, Iwade, Kemsley, and Fulston Manor.

While the KSP plans may bring a few jobs, it is unlikely to provide employment for the vast increase in population incurred by the associated housing, nor offer any compensation for the permanent loss of countryside that would involve. "I see no good reason to devastate these communities with this unnecessary greenfield development, simply to provide huge profits for developers or suit John Prescott's desire to concrete over the South East." said Berick, "I'll be on the march on Saturday, and I hope many other local members will join me"

