Green Party say No to Science Park expansion
Kent Green Party support efforts to prevent the expansion of the Kent Science Park. The Party urges the public to support the campaign, led by a coalition of five parish councils, which has called a demonstration for Saturday 3rd March, starting at 10.00am on Sittingbourne High Street. The
Assembly point is outside the old Co-op building. Steve Dawe, South East Green Party Speaker on Housing, Planning and Development comments:
"Employment expansion should be focussed upon existing brownfield sites and make full use of empty retail premises. The nearer businesses and public enterprises are to urban centres, the less commuting and traffic congestion they generate. There is no reason to accept the expansion of any industrial estate or 'Science Park' on to greenfield sites. We need the countryside for leisure, for preserving threatened species and to produce more food in Kent as oil prices continue to rise.
"Housing goals should be met first by occupying Kent's 20,000 empty properties and then by using brownfield sites only for housing development. Since 7 out of 10 new households are single people, we need more apartment style developments in urban areas rather than new estates outside towns. Rural needs can be met by selective use of rural brownfield sites, including dividing larger properties.