South East Plan Consultation

11 Apr 2006

The unelected South East England Regional Assembly is asking for your opinion on their South East Plan document which you can view on their website . The consultation exercise which started on the 31st March 2006 will end on Friday 23rd June. Following this an independent Panel, appointed by the Government, will oversee an Examination-in-Public, which is scheduled for the autumn of 2006.

Is it just me or does this seem a little odd that SEERA who are an unelected organisation are to be independently vetted by another unelected panel set up by the same government who also created SEERA in the first place.

Anyway, I expect that the major concerns will be the housing numbers and as predicted the inclusion of the Kent Science Park. Several key figures from KCC, including members from their strategic planning department, publicly dismissed any such notion that the South East Plan would include the Science Park. We said that the time it inferred its inclusion and now it’s actually there in black and white.

