Locate in Kent

Locate in Kent is Kent and Medway's inward investment agency. Established in 1997, Locate in Kent is a company limited by guarantee, funded and supported by Kent County Council, SEEDA, Medway Council, local councils, the Kent Developers Group, a partnership of the area's leading commercial property developers and partners from the private sector.

Its headquarters are in West Malling, and through a network of international representatives, Locate in Kent provides a free, comprehensive and confidential relocation service to help businesses benefit from the area's location.

Key developments, supported by additional funding from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM), are taking place in two Kent ‘growth areas’ - Thames Gateway Kent ( See Thames Gateway Kent) and Ashford.

The Kent part of Thames Gateway is made up of three development areas – Thameside (Dartford and Gravesend), Medway and Swale. The area will accommodate 45,000 new homes, 84,000 new jobs and 2 ½ million sqm of commercial floor space in new communities and riverside developments by 2021. Infrastructure improvements include, from 2006/7, a high speed rail services to London and the continent available from Ebbsfleet Station.

Further information can be found at www.locateinkent.com